Saturday, March 21, 2009

21 out of 31 SOL 

"Next please," asked the sales clerk as he made eye contact and offered a pleasant smile.

I stepped up to the corner and handed him my stack of books.  Beep, Beep, Beep Beep, Beep the scanner sounded as he rang up my stack of books.  "That will be $76.58, please."  I quickly handed him my credit card.  

"I'm sorry we don't take Discover Card."

"Oh, I'm sorry,"  as I franticly began looking for another credit card.  A warmth filled my checks as I realized I didn't have a different credit card with me, I'd left them back at the hotel room.

"Sorry, but I don't have another card.  I only brought one along with me today," I babbled.  "Could you please hold them for me until tomorrow?  I'll stop back tomorrow after I finish at the university."

"That's no problem, step over to the other counter and I'll get your name."

I gathered my other belongings and followed the helpful clerk to the other side of the counter.  


  1. It's ok, my card was turned down today because the dog chewed the edges (while eating my wallet) and it wouldn't scan through the machine!

  2. I LOVE it when clerks are helpful, and really really hate it when they're not. It doesn't usually take any extra effort, I think, to be helpful.

    My dad always quoted some unnamed Russian writer when he would say "The world is run by clerks." The older I get, the more I think he's right.

    Hope you got your books!
