Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 out 31 SOL

13 Hours Exactly Today 7:23 am pull out of the garage, 8:23 pm pull into the garage.

7:23 depart home 25 minute drive to school

7:45 arrive at school

7:50 check email and voice mail

8:00 office mate arrives (haven't seen her in several days lots to discuss)

8:45 ICT meeting group activity 

9:00 conservation with first grade teacher about comprehension

9:20 continue conservation with office mate while trying to complete a task or two

9:30 discuss the list of suggestions on how to spend our district's stimulus monies

9:40 work on math vocabulary riddle for division (I'm the remnant.  What number am I?)

10:00 freak because I haven't prepared materials for lesson at 11:00

10:01 begin to prepare materials

10:30 depart for the school to teach demo lesson

10:40 arrive at school 

10:45 talk with school principal about book fair

11:00 fourth grade essay writers; building a cohesive draft  

11:50 discussion with colleague and friend

12:00 buy a fast food lunch 

12:10 arrive back at office 

12:11 eat lunch; pick up conversation with office mate 

12:20 share idea list with Title I director

1:00 delivery; more mentor texts for K-2 teachers

1:01 open and sort books to complete orders 

1:40 desk time: email, search book leveling

2:00 time with fourth grade teacher conversation about assessment for learning division unit

3:00 pack up materials for PLC tonight

3:10 depart for PLC

3:10 drive for 50 minutes

4:00 arrive at PLC

4:10 Dinner

4:30 class begins 

7:30 departing words with facilitator  

8:23 pull into the garage

9:00 hit the couch for some mind-turned-off time

10:00 bedtime; early morning headed off to the MRA (Michigan Reading Association)

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