Sunday, March 15, 2009

15 of 31 SOL

Part I 
My Most Valued Possession 

"I'm sorry sis; I just can not afford it.  It's too much money."

"It's okay mom.  I understand.  We'll find one, somewhere, that we can afford."

I had been riding my horse Charmaine for about five years.  I belonged to the Rock'n Riders 4-H Horse Club and I showed Charmaine at the Ionia Free Fair every summer.

I started taking riding lessons the summer I was 12.  My trainer encouraged me to ride English.  I borrowed an English saddle from my instructor and began practicing.  I loved it! Riding English was so much better than Western.  I started to develop the skills needed for riding English.  My trainer suggested that I ride in the English Equ and English Pleasure classes at the fair.  Well, to do that I needed my own English saddle.

So one early summer day my mom suggested we go to Tom's Western World in Ovid to look at saddles. I was thrilled!  I could hardly stand the anticipation of maybe owning my very own English saddle. I'd never had a "brand new" saddle English or Western.  Owning your own saddle to a horse back rider is like owning your own car at sixteen.  It seemed like it took hours to travel the 30 miles to Tom's.

When we got to Tom's mom and I started right for the saddle section.  I knew where to find them because I had drooled over them many times on previous visits.  I always dreamed about what it would be like to have my very own saddle and now today my dream could come true.

To saddle shop you must try them on by sitting on a make believe plastic horse.  I found an all-purpose English saddle and placed it on the plastic horse.

"This one is perfect Mom," I said grinning from ear-to-ear.  "It's a perfect fit!"

"I think you might be right sis," agreed my mom.  "How much is it?"

My mom came over and flipped over the tag.  Her eyes widened and a look of disappointment covered her face.  "I had no idea that a new saddle would cost this much."  Mom showed me the tag.  It read $375.00 .  I was shocked too!

"I'm sorry sis; I just can not afford it.  It's too much money."

Tears filled my eyes, "It's okay mom.  I understand.  We'll find one somewhere that we can afford."  As hard as I tried I was unable to hold back the tears.  They began to spill over and run down my checks at about that time the salesman walked up to ask if he could help us.

"Is there a problem here?  Is something wrong?"  Concern filled his voice.

To Be Continued


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