Tonight I felt the need to write "long-hand." I find myself struggling to write because I prefer to write long-hand verse typing. It appears I still have some technology skills to learn when it comes to scanning images and posting them to my blog. Although, I feel a sense of accomplishment considering the fact that I was able to post the images.
I launched a content literacy unit in fifth grade today! It is centered on the Revolutionary War and my teaching is based on the information I learned at the TCRWP last month at the content literacy mini-institute.
Tomorrow I'm teaching a mini-lesson from the UOS for reading Navigating Nonfiction. It helps me to take notes while I read a lesson from the UOS. I need to pick out the key points and write them out to organize my thinking. I believe it also helps me visualize how the lesson will go. I picture myself sitting in the gathering area chair and the faces of the students. I hear my voice. I plan my moves. It is my style of planning.
On the off months (not the SOLC), I write about books and the mini-lessons you can use with them. I always write my thoughts out in my notebooks. I totally connect with how it helps you to visualize how the lesson will go. I like the added photos as well. :)