It has been a tough writing night. I' sure I used my delete button far more than the letter keys. In my mind I know exactly what I want to say, but I just cant' seem to get the words the flow out onto paper.
Message continued...
“Kelly, you should come to church this Sunday.”
Well, I did! I came to the “well” and it seemed as if you all knew what I needed. You knew what I was craving: grace. Although I didn’t ask, you all set about showing me the ‘gift of God’.
The ‘gift of God’ was shown to be in so many, many ways for which I will be forever grateful. However, there is one thing in particular that seems to speak directly to my heart: the music. (Not only did my new friends from the theater sing on stage; they sang with a band. How cool is that?) I doubt that this comes as a surprise to many of you, but it was through music that I came to know God’s amazing love.
So, here is my journey, it goes something like this:
Come just as you are, taste the living water…
I’m desperate for you, I’m lost without you…
(more to fill in here)
What if I stumble, what if I fall…
Trust if Jesus; everything is go’ in be alright…
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