Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The alarm sounds.  Instinctively my body moves to find the snooze.  Just as I drift back to sleep the whining begins.  Its always soft at the beginning as if they don't want to be to forceful. 
Again I begin to drift back to sleep, hoping they'll let me snag just a few more minutes.  No such luck.  Now the whining is serious and continues to grow louder and louder.  They are better than an alarm clock.  After several seconds of whining the short, soft yips begin.  There is no hitting the snooze on this alarm clock.  I admit defeat, force myself out of bed and stagger through the house.  
"Good mornings guys.  Yes, I know its time for breakfast."  They respond with the wag of  their tails.  I open the gate and stumble my way through two dogs to the door.  
Two scoops for the young, energetic whiner.  One heaping scoop for the overweight whiner.  I snap on their collars, pop open the garage door and place their bowls on the porch.  Immediately they begin to devour their breakfast and I catch my first glimpse of the rising sun.  The day has officially begun.  


  1. Kelly,

    For a first slice of life you NAILED it. You definitely carved out a tiny portion of your day and retold it with precision. I love it! In fact, I was wondering... can I show it to a couple of my kids who are still struggling with writing about something small?


  2. Welcome to the slice of life gang - hope you enjoy writing your weekly slices - this one was great.

  3. Woo hoo! Way to put yourself out there and show your writing!

  4. Hello Kelly,
    Be careful, blogging gets addictive!
    That sounds like how I get up, except that after the "I warned you whining" there is the "I let you know that I am hungry" holler from my four month old son.
